Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Doin’ It For Baby Jesus

Soundtrack: “Jesus Freak” by DC Talk

I just want to take a moment to share some good news with you. I have decided to enter the priesthood. This might come as a shock to some of you, but it just seems to be where I see my path going. I grew up in a Lutheran household and hold to many of Martin Luther's values. But lately I have seen how progressive, yet traditional, the Catholic church is and that is something that I identify with strongly. Not only that, but I feel a life of celibacy, service, and prayer will benefit me. I have been struggling with my place in the world for some time now. It has seemed that my life is in need of answers and this is the best way I can see them answered.

It is not going to be easy, but I think I can do it. Tomorrow I go in for a psych evaluation, keep me in your thoughts and prayers. Hopefully I’ll pass!


Anonymous said...

Happy April Fools to you too!

HT said...

I just fell out of my chair.