Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I woke up today and my throat felt like a million small pygmies had built a fire and were partaking of ancient pygmy war ceremonies in my throat. It hurt. A lot. I also discovered I could not talk. Not the most fun thing to go through, I'll tell you right now. So I chilled out for the day, did some homework, that sort of thing. I got my PC up and running the other day, which is the first time it's even been plugged in in like 4 or 5 months. Good times. Maybe one of these days I'll do some recording.

If anyone has chicken noodle soup to donate to my cause, you know where to find me. I can talk again, thankfully, but trying to drown the pygmies in green tea only made them angry. At least the fire's out.

Wow... that's probably the wierdest analogy I've come up with yet.

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