Sunday, July 09, 2006

Soundtrack: “Bull Takes Fighter” by Stavesacre

I have some awesome friends. Seriously. I don't think I've ever felt as close to my friends as I have lately. So to all of you, thank you. From the bottom of my heart.

Why am I so sentimental right now? I have reason to be, I guess. Me and my friends, we take care of each other. We know how to have fun, but we know when to be serious. We have good times, even when we're having tough times. On Friday night a bunch of us hit the Santa Fe Art district for the First Friday Art Walk and later on took in Potcheen Folk Band at the Irish Rover. And as always, it was good times. Much beer was consumed and great conversation was had. And the great thing is that this isn't monthly or even bi-weekly. We go do cool stuff all the freakin' time. And I love it.

And now for a little fun... according to this little survey I'm only 88% Coloradoan (pfsh... shows you how much they know). Looks like I have to buy an SUV and get a big dog in order to be "complete". I'm down with that.

How Coloradan are you?
Put an x next to everything that applies to you

[x] You've gone hiking in the mountains
[x] You've camped at least once
[x] You ride your bike more then you drive
[ ] You drive or own an SUV
[x] You can name at least 3 of colorados professional sport teams

[x] You snowboard or have snowboarded before
[x] You ski or have skied before
[ ] You own a big dog
[x] You love to be outside
[x] You've seen a fox or coyote, not in the zoo

[x] You've never been in a taxi cab
[x] Subway is just a sandwich restaurant
[x] You've played or seen lacrosse more then once
[x] ya'll is a weird saying
[x] You've gone white water rafting

[x] You've been rock climbing
[x] You are always prepared for colorados crazy weather
[x] If you dont have a snowday at least once a year, something is wrong
[x] gas prices kill you
[x] you love the snow

[x] you own a backpack
[x] You've gone sledding
[x] You've gone 4 wheeling
[x] you see at least 3 suberbans everyday
[x] you've gone dirt biking


Now add up all of your totals and multiply by 4. That is your percentage.

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