Monday, April 17, 2006

Soundtrack: El Sexorcisto: Devil Music by White Zombie

I'd like to take this little opportunity to talk about oppression. Specifically, marriage. Hah hah. No, I don't really think marriage is oppression, although I suppose in some cases it can eventually get to that point (which means the marriage is not healthy and it needs to be fixed). What do I really think about marriage, you ask? It's hard work. That was demonstrated to me today when my buddy Justin stopped by, right around the time I was going to leave for bible study tonight. It turns out he had an especially not fun little argument with his wife, and the guy was visibly pissed about it. So what do you do in this case? Invite him to the bible study or go be his friend and let him vent and get through it? It's a tough call, but I went with go be his friend. Which has now led to drinking Sake and beers while watching Sleepy Hollow... Anime is to follow.

But back to marriage. I keep saying that I'm ready any time to get married, once my life finds a little more stability. But I don't know if I really am. I don't know if I'm ready to go through all of the crap. It's hard to know, really. I don't know if anyone is really completely prepared for it... it's just something you have to get used to once you're in it.

Am I even making sense?

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