Friday, April 21, 2006

Soundtrack: How To Live With A Curse by Stavesacre

Well, it's been a week, that's for sure. I'm pretty frustrated with classes right now, especially since I recieved a failing grade on the identity system project I worked so hard on. I'm working to try to change that grade, especially since I did the work necessary to get the project finished. Argh.

It's not all downs this week, though. On Tuesday Stavesacre put out their new album, How To Live With A Curse. It is most definitely rockin'. Big drums, awesome guitar work, and the lyrics are amazing as ever. They are epic rock songs with awesome hooks that make you end up humming the songs all day long. It's great to see the boys return to form.

Not only that, but I was recently offered an interview for an Advertising Director position at a marketing company. It looks like a great job, so I'm excited about it. Hopefully all goes well and I get it... keep your fingers crossed. It's so easy to not want to work, to be happy with just existing. And I've had to live with that curse for so long, it's time to shake it off and move on with my life. My apathy and cynicism make it easy for me to become complacent, and my complacency is what is killing me. But I'm changing that, I'm changing my life and leaving it all behind. It's time to kill my darlings and heal with slashes and burns.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear ya, man. About the not wanting to work thing. You coming to my party? Hope so--talk to you soon!