Friday, April 14, 2006

Soundtrack: "With Every Light" by the Smashing Pumpkins

It's come to my attention that people's comments on my postings were being rejected, and I think I've fixed that. So feel free to comment away.

Yesterday was movie night at The Saint's. Donnie Darko was the movie. I have always loved that film. Donnie is like a super-dark paranoid schizophrenic version of me, so I find it easy to identify with him. I seem to be into the tragedies and really well-done love stories these days, Probably because I sometimes see myself as a tragic figure. In my own head, of course. Of course, things might change on Sunday... that's when Lent ends and I am free to return to the two things I love best: coffee and alcohol. Yum.

It seems as though my plans to form a world-class design firm might come to light. I had lunch with Chris, one of my teachers from last semester. Chris mentioned that there was a lot of talent in the CCD Graphic Design program, especially amidst the second-year students. Then he went on to suggest that these said students get together and form a super-group of sorts. And I agree totally, as well as some of my fellow students. So I'm excited. I think I'm going to get going double-quick time on a design firm proposal and peddle it around to people... see if they like it. I think it would be totally cool, because some of my classmates are doing professional level work already. Here's to the future... it looks bright.

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