Saturday, April 01, 2006

Yesterday I attended the Ethos conference with everyone involved in the Genesis bible study. At one point Tony Jones, the keynote speaker for the night, pointed out that Ryan Seacrest of American Idol was like the Jesus of that show, which prompted Joe to say the following:

"Ryan Seacrest... Jesus with hair product."

If you think about it, though, it's true. He's the dude that takes the time to get to know the contestants, get to know their families, and he comforts the people who don't make the cut. He's the one who's there from the beginning to greet everyone who comes out of the audition room, no matter what the outcome is.

Of course, on the other hand he can't turn water into wine or heal lepers or walk on water. Keep up the the kindness, though, Ryan. The world needs it.

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