Monday, April 10, 2006

Soundtrack: Proxima Estacion... Esperanza by Manu Chao

Genesis was very interesting tonight. There was a very in depth discussion about the nature of Mankind amongst discussion about how much sex we'll have in heaven. It was decided that there will be a lot because we won't have anything else to do other than garden. And have sex. And that's fine by me.

Before Genesis I stopped by Ink! Coffee to fill out an application, and it just so happened that I have a bunch of friends who work there, including the illustrious Sarah. So she put in a good word for me, and I was able to get a quick little interview. It went pretty well, which is promising.

I'm not feeling so hopeless today. This morning wasn't great, since it was hot today and I was job hunting and I found jack squat, but the afternoon was much better. I just need to keep my (relatively) bald head up and stay positive.

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